Finca Sophenia

Finca SOPHENIA is a winery recognized as one of the highest quality wine producers in Argentina. To achieve this goal, Roberto Luka, its founder and conductor, chose Gualtallary, Tupungato, Mendoza, one of the most prestigious regions to produce high quality wines.
The result was absolutely gratifying and the wines have already been praised by critics from Europe, America and Asia. The wines started to sell worldwide in 2004 and succeeded to reach more than 25 countries.

Sophenia Antisynthesis Field Blend 2021 – TS

Province: Mendoza
Region: Tupungato
Subregion: Gualtallary
Elevation: 1.200 masl
Varietales: Malbec & Cabernet Sauvignon
Vineyard size: 130 ha
Vineyard age: 24 years old
Number of plants per hectare: 2.600 plants
Yields: 65 qq/ha.
Irrigation: drip irrigation
Soil composition: 1,2 m stony profil
Trainning method: low VSP
Harvest date: 12th of March 2021
Type of viticulture: ecological / sustainable

Winemaking and ageing
Whole cluster: fermented of 5% whole bunches
Yeast: autochthonous
Fermentation container: stainless steel tank
Maceration technique : cold maceration for 3 days, fermentation for 2 weeks and maceration post-fermentation for 10 days.
Fermentation temperature: 22º-26º C
Length of fermentation: 2 weeks
Malolactic fermentation: yes, with native yeast
Aging container size/ material: french barrels
Age of container if wood: 10% 1st use (2021) - 90% 2nd, 3rd & 4th use (2020,2019,2018)
Type of barrel and Cooperage: Saury, Seguin Moreau and Boutes.
Time of aging in container: 10 months
Time of aging in bottle: 12 months

Analytical data
Alcohol: 14,2%
Ph: 3,65
Residual sugar: 2,62 g/l
Acidity: 6,5 gr/L
Sulfites: 65 mg/L Total

Winemaker: Joaquin Martin